📦 v2.3 HollaEx released!

Version 2.3 is out!

Upgrade your exchange and powerful DeFi features inside:

  • :man_farmer:XHT farming staking
  • :fire:New DIY Boost plan
  • :shopping_cart:OTC broker deal desk
  • :old_key:Exchange API keys
  • :e-mail:Email Templates
  • ‣ And much much more!

:point_right:Read more about it on the HollaEx blogs

Anyone can start in minutes through the exchange setup dashboard.


What does diy boost provide?

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DIY operators can get all future advanced futures and many of the functions not accessible in the operator control panel.

What does this include exactlly?

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How can I update my exchange?

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If you are a cloud user simply login to your account on dash.hollaex.com and click upgrade button in Hosting.

As a DIY user you can follow this guide: Upgrade exchange - HollaEx

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will there ever be an option to stake your own token (that you got added to the network)?

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