Stay on guard against HollaEx impersonators

A kind reminder to stay on guard against HollaEx :japanese_goblin: impersonators :supervillain:

All official HollaEx channels will never message you first or ask you for sensitive information or money, on Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and Telegram.


Appreciate this reminder! Really need to stay vigilant these days.

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Then Hollaex start to be too famous!

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Bumping this thread as a reminder:

A kind reminder to stay on guard against HollaEx :japanese_goblin: impersonators :supervillain:

All official HollaEx channels and personal will never message you first or ask you for sensitive information or money , on Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and Telegram.



We have an imposter among us!

HollaEx personnel would never ask first for any sensitive information or money through direct messages or social media.

Keep your information safe! Don’t get fooled by a “sussy” imposter :ok_hand:.


Bumping this thread to warn white label users of HollaEx :japanese_goblin: impersonators :supervillain:

All official HollaEx channels will never message you first or ask you for sensitive information or money , on Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and Telegram.

Please communicate to support via email for sensitive matters. For other matters, keep the conversation/threads public.

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