Page loading issues in sandbox (testnet) mode


I’ve set up an exchange in sandbox/testnet mode on my own GCP domain and the process seemed to have gone smoothly… BUT I cannot do anything further since both my /account and /admin pages show a spinner, spinning indefinitely. I can see the UI for both pages but no content gets loaded into either of the pages.

When I click on sidebar menu option on the /admin page, the heading changes accordingly but the spinner remains. The /account page behaves the same way. About the only thing that can be done on the /account page is to enter edit mode, and once in you can click on strings to edit but cannot actually change any as typing seems to have no effect. You also cannot exit edit mode apart from reloading the page.

I’ve noticed that /plugins/announcements returns a HTTP 404… After I’ve noticed this I wanted to add the announcement plugin but /admin/plugins just shows the spinner.

I’m experiencing the above mentioned issues using Chrome or Firefox as browser.

Hope you can help and guide me

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