Not resolving to custom domain in spite of "hollaex prod" saying they do after start

My Issue is that although the HollaEx says the domain names are resolving, they are not.

Updating user settings file based on the provided values…
Successfully resolved the exchange web URL (
Successfully resolved the exchange API URL (

    I receive:
    504 Gateway Time-out

  2. continues to resolve to the web page.
    I have added the A records in the domains DNS

A records: 300 300

Both domains are not resolving properly. They are resolving to the GATEWAY TIME-OUT page, in spite of the message that “hollaex prod” gave me that they were.

What am I missing?

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Hi there.

I just checked the DNS status for both of your domains, and they were properly pointing to your IP addr (

Did the issue get solved now?

Yes thank you so much. The new issue I have is trying to update the platform. when I select the APPLY CHANGES I get
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
Any Ideas?

I see. I assume that you are getting the error from the bitHolla Dashboard.

You should update the domain information at bitHolla Dash to point to your new domains.

Go to the ‘General’ section of the dashboard. You’ll see 2 text boxes for updating both the web domain and API domain.

Please replace the existing one with your new domains ( and

Please let me know how it goes :slight_smile: