Make logo larger?


Is it possible to use a larger logo? Regardless of the image size I upload, the logo seems extremely tiny.



Curious about the original image file dimensions? You may have transparent space around the original image that is taking up the space.

Is it possible to share the image file?

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I don’t think that’s the problem, the extra eighth of an inch of space I might get from the dead space isn’t going to help much. The domain name itself is - I’d like to fit that and have it be readable.



Log in to your exchange as an Admin user. Click “Console” at the bottom of the page. There are two sections where you can inject code that would usually be found in the or sections of your site.

Right-click on your logo, Select “Inspect Element” (I’m assuming you’re using Chrome), select the Elements tab and the code for your logo should be selected. Under “Styles”, you’ll find the style code for your logo. Edit the dimensions and code till you’re happy with your logo. Copy the code into the console (within )and Publish changes.

As an example, I have the following:

.app_bar .app_bar-icon-logo { /* height:4rem !important; */ width:8rem !important; background-size: contain; background-position: 0; background-repeat: no-repeat; }

Hope this helps!