Listing in CoinMarketCap

Hello is it possible to list my exchange on coinmaketcap ? If yes Could you please help me with the right API urls.

This is what CoinMarketCap asks:

  • Five (5) API Endpoint URLs
  • If possible, explain whether you have any measures to prove that the volume is real.
  • Cybersecurity Measures

would really love if the Hollaex team get list the end points for me for example: api.(yourdomain).com/v2/(endpoint1)

Thank you very much


Example of endpoints can be found here: API Reference. All you need to do is change those with your domain url. You can also checkout /explorer on your API. That would give you the magical API explorer you can interact with.

Not exciting enough? you could build the same API reference using this repository: GitHub - bitholla/hollaex-apidoc: API documentation for HollaEx

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I would like to see more info posted on this matter. Adding on CMC is quite a big deal. Any experience sharing would be helpful.

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It would be great if someone writes an article about this. One of those XHT job rewards would be great to have here for that.


This may be a useful read -


Also saw some useful stuff about crypto coin listing here

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