Hollaex Pro: API ETH increment error

Hello, I have an error returned by Hollaex Pro with ccxt:

ccxt.base.errors.BadRequest: hollaex {“message”:“Error 1001 - Invalid size. Increment size is 0.0001”}

But the API return a different increment size when I use the ccxt function fetchCurrencies() :

‘ETH’: {‘id’: ‘eth’, ‘numericId’: 3, ‘code’: ‘ETH’, ‘info’: {‘id’: ‘3’, ‘fullname’: ‘Ethereum’, ‘symbol’: ‘eth’, ‘active’: True, ‘verified’: True, ‘allow_deposit’: True, ‘allow_withdrawal’: True, ‘withdrawal_fee’: ‘0.01’, ‘min’: ‘0.0001’, ‘max’: ‘10000’, ‘increment_unit’: ‘0.00001’, ‘logo’: ‘https://bitholla.s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/icon/ETH-hollaex-asset-01-01.svg’, ‘code’: ‘eth’, ‘is_public’: True, ‘meta’: {}, ‘estimated_price’: ‘1500’, ‘description’: None, ‘type’: ‘blockchain’, ‘network’: ‘eth’, ‘standard’: None, ‘issuer’: ‘HollaEx’, ‘withdrawal_fees’: {‘eth’: {‘value’: ‘0.002’, ‘symbol’: ‘eth’}}, ‘display_name’: None, ‘deposit_fees’: None, ‘created_at’: ‘2019-08-09T10:45:43.367Z’, ‘updated_at’: ‘2021-12-13T03:08:32.372Z’, ‘created_by’: ‘1’, ‘owner_id’: ‘1’}, ‘name’: ‘Ethereum’, ‘active’: True, ‘deposit’: True, ‘withdraw’: True, ‘fee’: 0.01, ‘precision’: 1e-05, ‘limits’: {‘amount’: {‘min’: 0.0001, ‘max’: 10000.0}, ‘withdraw’: {‘min’: None, ‘max’: None}}},

Am I using the good data for my request to buy 0.12345 ETH for instance due to the different increment unit ? The web interface limits to 0.0001 only.

Please correct it on the API.


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increment_unit’: ‘0.00001’ = ‘precision’: 1e-05
ccxt.base.errors.BadRequest: hollaex {“message”:“Error 1001 - Invalid size. Increment size is 0.0001”}

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increment_unit is for the coin. Each market/pair has its own increment. You should read the correct increment for each marker in the pairs data and not the coins.

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oh I see! My bad :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I thought the coin hold the same value no matter the pair, thx for the help!

PS : I want to add [SOLVED] in the title, but can’t edit it