Fiat on DIY exchange

What is nearest way to implement below queries?

  1. Add 1 fiat to exchange with deposit & withdraw option.
    Local currency is already supported by Hollaex network. I can easily add fiat as a asset. According to documentation I need to have fiat gateway associated to my exchange.

  2. Local currency/USDT pair only.

  1. The best option is get a fiat master plan. Another option is to can use an on/off ramping service to implement this. However, your users will still need to go through the KYC process with your onramping service provider. You’ll need to create buttons for withdrawal and deposit, preferably only to USDT (ERC20). I did this for one of my clients, but I wouldn’t say it’s the best method out there. Your can pre-fill the wallet address when redirecting your user to the onramping service and direct them back once the transaction has completed. It’s the same for off-ramp. You won’t have any control over issues that may occur with the off/on ramping service provider, though.
  2. You can add in your currency as a fiat asset, but there’s a donation of 500,000 XHT to create the asset and a pairing.
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