Fiat Deposit Fee is not applied


I’m currently testing the system with the TestNet exchange. I have enabled and setup all needed in Fiat Controls in order to allow Fiat Deposits/Withdraws according to the documentation you provided.
I setup Deposit and Withdraw Fees to 1, but I saw that after the successful deposit, the fee I setup is not applied and the user receive the whole amount.

When I try to debug, I saw in the browser console the following request:
URL /api/v2/fiat/deposit
DATA {“currency”:“eur”,“amount”:10,“transaction_id”:“2121212121”,“fee”:1,“address”:“bank”}
RESPONSE {“processing”:false,“onhold”:false,“fee_markup”:0,“id”:13184,“user_id”:13778,“transaction_id”:“2121212121”,“status”:false,“currency”:“eur”,“type”:“deposit”,“amount”:10,“fee”:0,“description”:“Pending EUR deposit for username:”,“network”:“fiat”,“fee_coin”:“eur”,“rejected”:false,“dismissed”:false,“waiting”:false,“updated_at”:“2024-07-26T08:11:59.470Z”,“category”:null}

I hope you can find and fix the bug soon.

did you fix the problem?

you may also have missed the save, after editing the fee:

The bug is fixed now in latest release v2.12.0