Failed to push image to docker registry

I get error on setup: failed to push image to docker registry

How to fix this?

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Hi there.

Can you show me a screenshot of your error?

You should specify the correct registry / tag name for your own docker registry.

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Have you already login with your own docker hub account?

You should run the docker login command before you push the image.

Also, the image name bitholla/my-hollaex-server is just a dummy example name for the image.

You gotta rename it based on your own docker hub registry.

Thank you.


Greetings I have the same problem I am trying to do the docker push but I don’t know what the tag is and what name I should give the image

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sorry, were you able to solve your problem?

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It is not necessary to push the Docker image to the registry for DIY users unless there’s a specific reason.

Basically, you can skip the image push part.

If you still want to push the image, you should go to Docker Hub, create an account, and make a private registry on it. And push it through CLI with your new Docker registry name. The image tag though, it could be set as any value you want.

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I omitted the insertion of the image but my page still does not show, it throws me a 404 error in the domain and a 502 in the api. domain then they must be due to something else, thanks for the answer

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