Excited to Join the HollaEx Community!

Hi There,

I am new here and very excited, to join this community… As a newcomer, I am eager to learn and engage with all of you. I’ve heard great things about this platform and its supportive members.

I am particularly interested in any beginner tips you might have. Also, if there are any threads or topics you recommend for a newbie like me, please let me know.

Thanks for having me here. I’m looking forward to contributing and learning from everyone.

With Regards, :grinning:

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https://docs.hollaex.com/ ← give this docs a look.

Basically there are two ways to go about running an exchange:

  1. Cloud
  2. On-premise

More about these are covered within the docs which is geared a lot more to on-premise which will give you an inside look into what it takes to run an exchange yourself. If more help is required generally using the cloud is recommended (you can switch later if you change your mind).

If you don’t like reading you can watch videos tutorials at https://www.youtube.com/@HollaEx/videos

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