I get error in logs, while upgrading the exchange. These are soem logs:
Kit version is updated
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Skipping the command confirmation.
Generating random secrets...
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Skipping the command confirmation.
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
validating /home/ubuntu/hollaex-kit/server/docker-compose-prod.yaml: services Additional property *-server-* is not allowed
Failed to stop exchange! Please review your settings and try again.
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Skipping the command confirmation.
Generating random secrets...
Checking docker-compose availability...
Docker Compose version v2.29.2
Generating env file for docker
Generating Nginx upstream conf
validating /home/ubuntu/hollaex-kit/server/docker-compose-prod.yaml: services Additional property *-server-* is not allowed
Failed to start exchange! Please review your settings and try again.
.t@@Gi. ,1tL: .10@81
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t@8, i@@@@@@0i. .1G0GC ,GG:
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C@G t@@@; : t@@@8;.C@@@G.:8@@@f
1@@, ;@@@81,. .:[email protected]@@@i t@@@0, C@@@C.
.0@C .f@@@@@@@808@@@@1 :0@@@t 1@@@@; f@@@0,
,8@C. i0@0ftC0@@@@@t, ,8@@@t 1@@@@; L@@@8.
,G@8i , ,8@@@: ,G@@@L ;0@@@1 t@@@8;
10@8t, :ti;. :0@@@t i@@@8; f@@@G,
iC@@8Cf1;;::;i: 1@@@@i L@@@0:,0@@@C.
.;tC08@@@@@f..1111: ,1111. ;111i
The new image has been successfully applied on the exchange!
Whould you please help me how to solve the erorr?
validating /home/ubuntu/hollaex-kit/server/docker-compose-prod.yaml: services Additional property -server- is not allowed
Failed to start exchange! Please review your settings and try again.