Do I need to setup SMTP server for handling emails?

should i settup smtp for email service aws ?

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In HollaEx-Kit v1.0 you don’t have to set up any SMTP mail server. All you need is AWS SES. Please refer to this link on how to setup SES.

You only need to import your IAM access key and secret with permission to SES into your HollaEx Kit when you are setting up your exchange. You can always reconfigure your setup using this command:
hollaex setup --reconfigure

And add your AWS keys.

The same key and secret for AWS is also used in HollaEx Kit for S3 and SNS so you can basically add permissions when setting up your IAM keys on AWS to have the access to these services as well.

i have copy aws key and secret but mail not send to my email. should i upgrade to [Moving Out of the Amazon SES Sandbox] ?(Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox - Amazon Simple Email Service).

Sandbox should still give you some limited number of emails. What is your IAM role permission for the key you created?

full access s3, sull access sns, fullaccess ses and s3 it seems like it works, the log is already logged on s3

But you still are not receiving emails? Is that the case?

You should also approve your email domain and setup it properly. Make sure your SENDER_EMAIL on hollaex config is from an email domain/address that is approved on AWS SES.

If you still have issue contact [email protected] with more information and logs and screenshots of your current setup.