CORS policy problems on HOLLAEX-KIT 2.1.15

I hav successfully installed the Hollaex kit version 2.1.5.

First, when I go to http/localhost/v2/health, I get bad gateway error, which goes on and off.

Second, when I go to http://localhost/v2/constants, the currency pairs that I set in my dashboard do not show up. I get empty objects for coins and pairs.

Third, when I go to the web client, I get a blank white screen, on checking the console, I see: Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘http://localhost/v2/kit’ from origin ‘http://localhost:8080’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

Please help

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Hey there.

The CORS error usually does not mean that’s actually a CORS error in your server. It usually happens when the connection to the server is not healthy.

Please try to get the logs first and see what is going on in your environment.

hollaex logs command will show the logs from the server.

Feel free to post your logs here if you are not sure what does it mean exactly.

Thank you.