Coin listing and etc

I’m DIY user

Im just wanna check if want to list my DIY exchange on coinmarketcap am I able to do that ?

Let’s say if someone want to list their token on my On DIY exchange are we allow to add bep20 or erc20 Custom token and charge them a fee ? Can I do that ?

Let’s say I didn’t back up my server and lost everything what about my users ?

If I decide to close my DIY exchange , can my users be transferred to other Bitholla exchange ?


CoinMarketCap listing can be challenging (they often require multiple exchanges) but the bottom line is having a coin on your own DIY exchange is always going will help.

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Hi, is your exchange working? Can you send me a link to the exchange, I may have some contacts who will be interesting to put up their coins/tokens on your exchange.

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