Charts for 15min, 4H and 1W are empty on all currencies

On the DIY version, the charts for 15min, 4H and 1W are empty on all currencies. How do I fix it? Thanks!

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Can you check the api request on your browser’s console in the network tab and see whats returned? Empty for the 15min Data is all there for the 1H but not for [15min, 4H and 1W are empty on all currencies.

I will investigate this more. It was raised before too.

It almost look like an array problem where only the odds values are considered… Very strange as its only the 1, 3, 5 (15M, 4H, 1W) choices in the menu that don’t work but 2, 4 (1H, 1D) are fine. While you are in there, can 1M and 5M be added? They are popular choices for most traders.

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After the latest update, 15m and 1W are now working. 4H is still not working for me.

4H still not working in 2.1.4

This issue is resolved now.