502 Bad Gateway?

Hello Everyone,
I’m glad I have found bitHolla - seems like it’s a very interesting project!

Now, I am trying to setup the local server on my old HP Workstation running Ubuntu 18.04, but upon finishing installation and starting the server, both test URL’s return “502 Bad Gateway”.
URL’s used:

Now, the server is up and running, because this is a NGINX message, but what am I missing?

First of all, I want to say thank you for your attention. We are rapidly growing, so please keep your eyes on us!

That error message is from the Nginx as you mentioned. Means the API server is not responding or doesn’t exist.

Can you run both hollaex status and hollaex logs command to see the server status, also logs? Please share the result in the next reply.

If you think everything is up, Can you also try to reach “http://localhost:10010/v1/health”? It’s a direct endpoint for API without going through the Nginx.

Thank you.

Hi @yechan I check and if I go directly to /v2/health it works, so how do I fix the 502 error? I’d appreciate a lot your help

Hi @elwizard

Are you still having the issue? Can you describe your case more in more detail?

Based on my understanding, is it the case that you can access to /v2/health endpoint, but not for other API endpoints like /v2/kit or /v2/constants?